You've been granted access to the most exclusive advertising


in Florida politics.


Florida Politics Influencer Audience

Over 200,000 of Florida's Top:

  • Legislators
  • Legislative Staff
  • Lobbyists
  • Agency heads
  • Association execs
  • C-suite Execs
  • Local Elected Officials
  • Business Owners
  • Top Leaders
  • Agency staff

Current Size

As of:

Facebook Audience Size:


Google Search Audience Size:


Google Display Audience Size:


YouTube Audience Size:


The Overview

Florida Politics and SDS have partnered to create a new advertising service available to companies, organizations, and firms engaged in the Florida advocacy space.

Digital media is a format that frequently enables new products for digital publishers and advertisers. Over the past decade, the teams at Extensive Enterprises and Strategic Digital Services have mastered the crafts of digital publishing and digital advertising.

Beyond the traditional banner advertising seen on, the audience of local, state, and national leaders that read Florida Politics is now available to advertisers as a private (anonymized) custom audience for Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube. (With additional networks on the way!)

Organizations can now commission a digital advertising campaign on Facebook, Google, or other ad networks targeting this exclusive audience. SDS manages the program and runs the ads on behalf of the advertiser, and can develop the creative, if needed. The cost to access the influencer audience is built-in as part of the price of the overall cost of the advertising campaign.

For agencies or PR firms that would like access to the audience to advertise on behalf of a client, we charge a monthly licensing fee and share access to the audience using built-in platform tools, and close access at such a time when the license ends. Aren’t familiar with how to use the custom audience targeting and sharing tools of Facebook and Google? No problem. We’d be happy to white-label place the campaign for you.

How it Works

If your business or organization needs to reach Florida’s most influential leaders with advertising, here’s how to get started:


Start by using our planning tool to get an estimate -OR- start working directly with our team to determine your advertising needs.


Use existing creative, design your own, or work with our in-house creative and production teams to design pixel-perfect ads for your influence campaign.


Based on the advertising campaign plan designed with our team, your ads will deploy via Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube. You can sit back and watch knowing your ads are appearing to the most targeted influencer audience in Florida.

And just like any advertising campaign run by Florida’s premier digital advocacy team, you’ll receive industry-leading digital ad strategy, top-tier client service, and a real-time dashboard to track your results.

Planning Tool

Use our influencer audience ad calculator below to plan your ad campaign. You can start from a target number of impressions, or work backwards from an overall campaign budget!

Sound confusing? It can be. Use the bug-out button to instead get directly connected with one of our team members who can help you build an ad plan!

Get Started

Please note: the planning tool calculates estimates based on audience sizes and platform averages. Advertising prices on each platform change by the second, and costs shown below are not guaranteed or considered an offer.

To Start:


Still have a few questions? We understand. If your question isn’t answered below, just ask and we’ll be happy to answer it!

A Custom Audience is an ad targeting option that lets you find your existing audiences among people who are on Facebook, Google, or other platforms.

Custom Audiences can be derived from sources like customer lists, website or app traffic, or engagement on Facebook and Google-owned platforms.

Yes. The Florida Politics Influencer audience is exclusively available through this partnership from SDS and Florida Politics. Some ad platforms may let you target people who like the Florida Politics page, but this is the only way to directly and broadly reach the entire Florida Politics audience on Facebook and Google.

Think of the Florida Politics Influencer Audience in the same manner you would any set of targeting options on Facebook or Google. The same geo, demographic, and engagement targeting options are still available and can be filtered on top of the entire Custom Audience.

While privacy concerns remain a hotly debated topic in the tech industry, the Influencer Audience is built from traffic and engagement data, and is completely anonymized to both us and any end-users. The audience can be added to, controlled, filtered, reduced, and removed, but only the platforms know exactly who the individuals are on the list to protect end-user privacy.

Yes. There is a minimum ad spend of $2,000 to access the influencer audience. Customers may choose to control spending daily, weekly, monthly, or in whole as a project.

Nope! This isn’t a ploy to get all of your advertising dollars. The only ads that have to be run through the Florida Politics / SDS partnership are ads that need to access the influencer audience.

Nope! Ad buys are pre-purchased. If you decide to pause or stop your ads mid-campaign, we’ll be glad to refund the unspent portion of your budget. There’s no long-term contract or commitment, and you can start/stop/pause/restart/end at any time.